Mani Monday: My First Gel-Polish Experience

July 29, 2013 — 2 Comments

It’s Monday! I’m not usually one for Mondays, but I’ve been looking forward to today so I could throw this post up on the site.

You’ve seen my Nail posts so you know I’ve generally done my own nails, though I’ve never done much in the way of fancy. I’ve discovered fancy is much easier when you can paint the nails before you stick them on–and I absolutely refuse to have fake nails. Something about them freaks me out! Not to mention how tacky some people can make them look. No, I definitely prefer Au Naturale.

My biggest problem with a traditional manicure is that the polish chips so quickly! I can put a coat of color on over the weekend and by Monday I need to re-do it. Top coats can only do so much for you when you do so much with your hands on a daily basis. Am I right, or am I right?

Last week, I redeemed a Living Social deal here in Dublin for a gel-polish manicure. I’ve NEVER had a gel-polish manicure before. As my technician was shaping my nails, I started in on the questions: Will this really last for two weeks? How quickly does it dry? Will I chip it when I head across the street to the grocery store? She was a fabulous technician and walked me through everything.

“It really can last up to three weeks, depending on how hand-intensive you are and it will dry instantly under these heat lamps.  You will walk out of here and likely be cautious with what you touch because you are used to normal polishes, but I promise you it will be dry before you are ready to leave that chair.” I’m so happy to say she was absolutely 100% correct. It dried in approximately 2 minutes under those heat lamps and I walked out of there with turquoise sparkly nails that will hopefully last me another 12 days!

Gel Mani

Now I know I can’t afford one of these babies every 2 or 3 weeks, but when I do need to get my nails done professionally (for weddings or parties) I definitely think I’ll be sticking with the gel-polish.  So far, I’m loving it!

Have you ever had a gel-polish manicure? What do you love about it?

XOXO – Katie

2 responses to Mani Monday: My First Gel-Polish Experience


    Great post! I have been wanting to try gel polish myself as well, so it’s great to know a little bit more about it!


    Yes. I love the fact that there is no dry time (which also means no smudging) and that my nail color does not chip in its 2-3 week tenure.

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